Thursday, August 30, 2012
Techniques Proven leadership in motivating employees to supervise
Wonder why some leaders can achieve more by doing less? While others seem to be quite busy and still achieve less? This is quite common, a pinch of irony at work is not yet fully appreciated by many.
The answer to this is not a secret. However, to be an expert in this art is only a few have fully understood and mastered.
I'm talking about employee motivation in the workplace. This is the key to getting the job done the way you want to be delivered, bringing out the best employees so that they in turn use their talents in the full achievement of team goals.
Increase worker productivity, quality and customer service (internal or external) has always been an important issue raised by the management for several years. As technology improves every year, many tools have been designed only to improve in these areas. Although I have nothing against these tools, but some leaders tend to give more attention to them than increasing employee motivation.
Employee engagement is a hands on or applied process. Leaders must invest time, effort and commitment in order to understand what their people need and want from their work. It 's also important to note that the motivation of employees is based on trust and respect. Without addressing these problems, it is almost impossible to motivate the workforce.
On the basis of experience as a supervisor of production, nothing is impossible for a motivated workforce. Our team did not manage to bag the most coveted prizes. We always meet the production schedule. Staff turnover is lower. My employees feel free to open up their ideas and problems at work. And the bonus is that they can work with less supervision. This benefit is free from the concerns of employees misbehaving while their owners are absent.
Every employee is motivated by different things in many different ways, but there are proven techniques to improve the motivation of employees:
1. Being on top of everything. Know the current line and be the first to deliver new ads for the team. This is a big "No No" when first heard by another supervisor.
Know every member of your team better. Knowing your personal information and be careful of their behavior and habits. This information is the first step to understand your employee in order to obtain an initial picture of how to deal with each of them. So, be creative, each individual requires a different approach.
2. Build respect for being a role model. Do not do things that are contrary to company policy. A supervisor who does not break the rules also apply for and expected his employees to do the same.
You can never say: "Do what I say and do what I do." Since actions speak louder than words.
3. Build trust among team members. Always meet the needs, in particular, the claims of your employees. And when you promise to meet them, always keep your promises. When you have always done this, their minds are programmed that you are someone who can turn to when they encounter problems at work. In fact, you will be able to create an open environment where ideas are not stifled because of fear.
The problems are so easily resolved because the ideas are free flowing.
4. Be honest in all things. Avoid establishing a '"very close friendship" between members of the team because if you do so, it would be difficult to punish wrong doings. And when you penalize someone for a just cause, always emphasize that it is not the person but I condemn his actions.
Be a friend to all, but to create the right amount of gap, enough for you to remain neutral and objective.
Be consistent in the execution of business rules and policies. Never be impartial in exercising discipline. Remember that one of the reasons employees break company policy because of lack of discipline. Not only to those whom it does not close or be complacent to those who are familiar to you.
5. Being able to develop your employees. Give your employees the personal and professional development by sending them to training and seminars. In this way, it greatly improves their value as an employee.
6. Give your employees a pat on the shoulder. Give him even on a casual conversation. Give more when you deliver a great job.
They fail to recognize a good performance. Do not be too cautious in giving praise. Make a habit of sending words of appreciation, once a job is completed. Even a simple "Good job. Keep it up," goes a long way.
7. Never blame anyone. Whenever things do not go as you planned, it is never the fault of your employees. Remember it is a team where you're the pilot. Assumes full responsibility and accountability as a leader, both in failure or success. Learning to move forward but never forget the lessons.
8. Help your employee promoted giving them the opportunity to showcase their talents and skills. On top of their basic functions, giving them special projects that fit their interest and skills.
Of course, the promotion would lead to a higher salary. We know that is not the only factor that motivates employees, but we also know for a fact that is extremely valuable.
9. Good communication. You can never be an effective leader if you are not a good talker. I remember, there was a time when a new policy must be implemented. A lot of supervisors receive reactions of dissent from their employees to communicate the policy said. On the contrary, employees embraced the policy willingly because I presented so that it is beneficial for them.
Understandably, people resist change due to perceived notion that it would be to their disadvantage.
Of course, all that talk, be honest and do not overdo it.
Do not be authoritarian, but be patient and be respectful in every conversation.
Do not use offensive words. Facing either by someone, be responsible for your emotions and remain objective, as they seem to be. Try to control your facial expressions when engaged in a discussion.
10. Disseminate new knowledge whenever you can. This will signal to your employees that you are knowledgeable in your work, to be held that position because you are worthy of being one and having the ability to perform the functions. Consequently, employees will be glad to you. It would be easier for you to influence their motivation in getting them to do what we know must be done .......
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