Saturday, July 14, 2012

Quality of Life: Cross fears

Cross fears

Fear is an emotion inherited from the animal kingdom. It is an emotion with which we are all born, whose adaptive function is to protect us and protect what we love to stimuli that we perceive as dangerous, in this sense being beneficial for the survival of the individual and for the species.

As we evolve, fear is transformed into a complex emotion that is closely related to education, models, culture, etc.. And that can function as an obstacle on the path toward our goals.

Fear, but Fear of what? Fear of failure, fear of loss, fear of being wrong, fear of heights, fear of flying, fear of not being loved, fear to undertake something new, fear of getting a different result than imagined fear form a couple, fear the future, fear of life, fear of success, fear of death ... the list could be endless. Everyone can write their own, coloring it and justifying it with your own style with the inherent danger of transforming life fugitives.

Let us remember and ask: how many times during our lives we have felt fear and have left undone things that could be important or transcendent? What is the price we paid for it? How do we feel to see that we stand in inaction? But thanks to the dual nature of things, most probably also remember other situations, even those we face our fears. How we feel about those other experiences? What credit left us? What other emotions associated appeared? What was the impact they had on our growth and personal transformation?

It happens that sometimes, without realizing it, we become creative experts catastrophic visions. Often dangerous build scenarios, where the danger does not exist as such, where the beasts lurking exist only in our imagination, but come alive with our interpretations and thus seek shelter or take refuge in our territory known in our comfort zone, losing the possibilities magnificent move that could occur from beyond fear.

If fear and prisoners we took hold of us is because previously one or more negative thoughts were installed and spin over and over again by our brain. The good news is that we own our mind and that among all the categories of thought can generate functional voluntarily thoughts lead us into the movement and action.

Not to be immobilized and live the life you deserve to live, the only valid alternative is to go through the door that allows us to go out and play the game you want to play. Becoming aware of fear, recognized, accepted and embraced as an ally messenger brings a letter waiting and watching the explanations that we are giving to that emotion, we can continue to the next step: to face reality, to channel that fear into action that take us through the right path, the chosen place, even running some risks.

The best challenge to transform fears through positive experiences of life. In short ... dare to be thus capitalized.

María Laura Cortés


Ontological Coach

marialaura.cortes @

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