Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Social Networks Promote Infidelity, Facebook the biggest culprit

In February of this year Brickhouse Security Company reported that sales of its "Stealth Computer Monitor" increased by 242% over last year. This is a small device that is inserted into a USB and this in turn inserted into any PC or laptop for 5 seconds and removed without leaving any evidence. This capture screenshots from your computer or computer equipment which is installed and records all chat rooms and user activity on that machine (Bolas!!! There are more than one / or sweat while reading this). Its capacity is over 10,000 screenshots and has no limit to the amount of text that can be stored. That is my supporters and supporters, the days when you wrote freely and without fear for chat dirty or very intimate things your lover, lover, babe, second front, or whatever you want to call it, are gone ... what a bumer! ! The technology seems to us a freedom that she herself off and then die of laughter.

What this indicates is that marriages daily more distrust and suspect that your spouse is involved in some kind of infidelity, cyber or digital. According to several publications in different countries, the biggest culprit of this type of infidelity is the social network Facebook. On such "caralibro" has opened many doors that give rise to emotional infidelity (never become physical) and emotional end up being physical. A few years ago it was unimaginable, but now he watches daily.

In England the divorce court reports that one in five divorces Facebook is mentioned as causal. Social networks and in particular give it to those that are unfaithful by nature or choice to be a new channel. For those who have never been, is a very good option in principle discreet and can be done anytime, from anywhere and even being in the same room as the spouse as long as they have a computer, and even a blackberry.

To my surprise, those who have more affairs through Facebook are baby boomers (people born between 1946 and 1964) the number of users belonging to these generations grew dramatically: over 500% annually. This generation uses social networks to reconnect with old friends and old lovers! This is where the greatest danger occurs at any age.

It happens that with Facebook or other social network, people re connect with old lovers, especially teens and starts, often as an innocent message, revive feelings of the past and it ends in divorce of partners spent more than 30 years of marriage, or even already have grandchildren. And young people (so people in their 30's) ... not to mention, we all know that one or more of the past have rediscovered love being married and the status of their stories.

What is the roll with the famous love highschool teens or sweethearts? Why always so much noise? So much roll because teenage love are always intense and meaningless, as are the girls of that age. And when we remember someone who made us feel butterflies in your stomach, which gave us our first kiss and with whom we had our first sexual intercourse and remember well the "feeling" the brain does not distinguish whether what we are feeling is just a memory or is it real. I will repeat this, when you remember (even if you just think or imagine) and you do something with the feeling that the person or situation will occur, the brain does not distinguish whether it is a memory, a thought, your imagination or if it is real. So Kodak's famous slogan that said "remember is to live again" is totally true. Remember IF is to live again. This is powerful for good or evil.

So people, regardless of whether they have 30, 40, 50 or 60 years, to reconnect with a teenager and remember that love relationship, literally comes alive. Your brain starts to secrete the same chemicals released when they were in love with this great love, remember the "ugly"? It does not matter if you stopped seeing for over 20 years and people have become totally different. The brain, years have passed, your age and your marriage care about a sovereign sorbet! When they begin to secrete chemicals stay high and beyond the control of many things.

I am not suggesting that you do not take responsibility for your actions and not blame the FEA, and that there is nothing to do. I think what is important is to know where are these feelings that we think are taaaaaan strong and make us think that this is true love. Can you pass, you may feel that this is your soul mate, you want to give a meaning to the life back together and your current partner is not indicated ... the important thing is to know that none of this is real . It's a bit like thinking that what you feel and think or hallucinations, when you're under the influence of drugs or alcohol is true.

The Facebook and other social networks give you a chance to communicate very openly with the person on the other hand, because they are not seeing the faces. This allows a lot of openness on both sides, do not feel so vulnerable and in person and they dare to say much more, but what allows you to chat is a much fantasy. And in 99% of cases is just that a fantasy, that life with your love as a teenager would be much more fun and easy, because they remember. I remember because, in fact, when you were a teenager and you were not married and had no children and 250 responsibilities, life itself was much easier. Very probably more fun than happily ever you live with your husband.

Some say that having extra-marital relationship through chat or social networking (especially if cyber sex) relieves a lot of stress living with her current partner, and even gives much more flavor. This is where you do not personally know your cyber partner and no feelings through

Others say that maintaining a cyber affair increasingly pushes them away from your partner and close to any contact or communication because the fantasy than reality in which they live.

Besides the issue of chat, both Factbook and other social networks, there is a very important matter of the meetings of alumni of all schools: elementary, middle and high schools. The Facebook not only provides the chat and the opportunity to exchange messages and photos, you reconnect with people they had not heard in years. This has created the famous "re meetings" and those who do not start your adventure by chat, in many cases make it to re meet their former partners in the event of re encounter. It revived memories and feelings that many people find it impossible to fight or simply do not make the attempt.

If you do a Google search on Facebook or re meetings of infidelity on Facebook, you will find many forums that tells people this kind of experience for about 3 or 4 years. Many of the stories the women who say they do a very good time of their marriage and have a husband who qualify as exemplary at the time of his famous encounter with a re past love. They have no complaints about their marriage or their life.

Hence I can assume that this type of infidelity with or without physical contact has nothing to do with the couple's or infidel, are situations that occur in brain chemistry, lack of self-control and the need for us all humans have diversity, adventure and feel unique and unforgettable.

What to do? If you're stuck in the abyss: denying all your feelings and stay with the doubt? Leave you up in the moment and then you see that? Only will you promise "this time"?

Do what you want, only you can answer that question. At day's end, the first person to whom you must be true to yourself is the only person who surely will be with you the day you die you. Be true to your beliefs and values. Just keep in mind that all your decisions, like taking that risk or not take, will have consequences that you have to assume.

There are people who all his life made the decisions "socially acceptable" or "right" and "sacrifice" for their children and their families. Enough of being the "sacrificed" Whatever you decide not to be a sacrifice then I sing to your children throughout their lives. This is how you continue to create generations of "sacrificed" listening to children living sacrifices his mother does for them. Associate love with sacrifice.

If you decide to refrain from finding out what can be there or is it fear or is it because you truly believe is best for you. Stop blaming your children from everything. One day they grow, they go and do your life. Give them the freedom to do it without thinking that you have to take into account and consider all the "sacrifices" made by them.

If you're reading it because it happened to you because you were unfaithful and feel mega guilty (I assume he is happy with his infidelity not check the full post) ... forgive, you made a bad choice - I say this only for those who feel guilty - a choice that makes you feel like you fail you and your family. Let go, you are neither the first nor the last, everything, absolutely everything that happens in life happens to teach us something. Learn the lesson that this leaves you or see what happened in your life because of your infidelity, you will find it something you wanted to or expected to happen and did not know how. Sometimes it takes a bitter pill to make certain decisions or to assess what we have.

If you do not you get into the abyss and you're reading this post out of curiosity, this is my opinion: if you're happy with your life as it is (generally) do not play with fire. Do not exchange messages, however innocent they may be, old loves, remember that fire burns. Much less intimate chat or share details of your life and your relationship with them. What to you mean, "I'm going through a difficult period in my marriage ..." to them means "I want to sleep with you and do not know how to say" . And thereafter be triggered by various events that are more or less like this: chat (the brain and secretes hormones crazy and chemicals) - we will see us to talk-carnal-someone gets hurt.

If you're reading because you think your wife or husband, he's involved in such a situation ... mmmmm, how do I say this so sensitive? He who seeks finds. If you're not ready / or to deal with what you could find, nor seek him, give him space, these things are usually temporary and everything returns to normal.

Please if you have any history of these to share, those that happen to a cousin of a friend or to your aunt's neighbor, leave it in the comments. You can do it anonymously by clicking here, so that nobody can figure out who is the "cousin of your friend."

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