Thursday, August 2, 2012

Diet For Menopause

From the age of 40 metabolic energy needs of women decreased by 5% every decade. This directly translates into the need for a lower calorie intake.

Before menopause period should emphasize the need to adopt a healthy lifestyle and thus prevent or delay the onset of menopause-related diseases and aging.

Recommended foods to combat menopause

Eat at least a half liter of liquid (water) and this amount is added the water that provide food ingiere.Carnes. Prefer fish (salmon, sardines) instead of red meat as it will provide essential fatty acids omega-3 series are very useful in preventing some diseases cardiovasculares.Coma several pieces of fruit a day, rich in antioxidants, vitamins and fibers (mango, oranges, strawberries, grapes, etc.).. including nuts such as almonds and walnuts, which provide protein, calcium, vitamin D and fat insaturadas.Consumir an adequate amount of vegetables vegetables daily. Raw vegetables are rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber, which contributes to maintaining good calcium nutritivo.El fundamental. You must ingest 1,000 mg of calcium per day by eating low-fat dairy products (low fat) Vitamin D is crucial for calcium absorption, strengthening the bone and prevent fractures. Foods rich in complex carbohydrates (cereals and cereal products such as rice, pasta, bread and cereals, legumes and potatoes) should form the basis of food in a modest amount. Foods to avoid during menopause

Reduce animal fat (saturated fat) for their ability to raise blood cholesterol levels and promote the development of arteriosclerosis. Avoid: EmbutidosBacónMantecaMantequilla, cream, whole milk, dairy products made with whole milk, bakery products, biscuits and tea and cafeínasAlcoholDulces bolleríaCafé. Reduce their consumption is recommended for its wealth usual simple sugars and calories General Recommendations

A proper diet to prevent overweight and obesity. If there are no complications or associated diseases during this period, food must follow the balanced diet patterns based on individual aspects such as age, height and physical activity among otros.Distribuya total daily food 4 or 5 meals medida.La light is a good physical activity is important to get cardiovascular benefits such as improved vascular function in other, and helps maintain muscle strength, bone mineral density and prevent falls. The daily exercise (30 minutes) maintains muscle mass, prevents weight gain and helps in the fight against osteoporosis. Avoid harmful habits like smoking or drinking excessive amounts of alcohol and caffeine. Positive attitude. The end of the menstrual cycle should not make her feel bad. On the contrary, begins a new period in his life and should not miss this opportunity to be filled with vitality and experience.

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