Wednesday, August 1, 2012

What Is The Musk

The musk is the trade name of a fragrance that many years ago is found in the history of mankind. The origin of this particular pours is on excretory glands, near the genitals of a very particular variety of deer originating from Central Asia: the musk deer.

Musk, this is the name of these animals excreted substance is the active ingredient that gives this scent very special essence: sweet, warm and long lasting. How to extract the active ingredient musk deer brought these almost to extinction. Other varieties of animals which are extracted musk musk ox, musk duck and even muskrats. They also produce a certain woods like odor, such as wood musk of the Guianas.

The procedure is somewhat cruel animal is killed and the gland is completely removed. It is then left to dry in the sun on a hot stone, or dip it in boiling oil. Pure Musk has a strong smell, almost unbearable for humans, but as perfume, in small doses, it generates long-lasting fragrance and an unmistakable aroma.

The popularity of musk is that supposedly it's an aphrodisiac. The reality is that in the animal, the musk is a substance that activates the female animal. Humans have used this active since time immemorial, not only in perfumes, but oils are often used in the practice of tantric yoga. It is also used in aromatherapy, ie the cure of diseases through odors.

Chinese or Tibetan Musk is the most precious. It is packaged in tiny handmade vases, richly decorated with filigree. They are vacuum sealed to preserve the scent.

Musk is extremely powerful. With a single gram can perfume million cubic meters of air, and the fragrance stays for days and days. Musk contributes to its strength and presence to the fragrances of plant origin, why it is so popular in the perfume industry, being present in a variety of brands of perfumes.

A perfume that has within its bouquet of this essential oil is Amor Amor by Cacharel.

The Empress Josephine, wife of Napoleon Bonaparte adored perfumes based on musk, and often used to seduce her husband.

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