Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Metacognition in Learning

The word itself is understood as the ability we have to self-regulate in their own learning, that is the plan which strategies will be used in every situation in order to apply, have control of the process, evaluate in order to detect faults, and therefore , transfer all to a new way of doing things.

Having knowledge about cognition involves having the ability to have awareness of the functioning of our way to learn and understand the factors that explain the results of an activity either positive and / or negative.

Flavel one of the pioneers of the concept of metacognition makes the approach implies knowledge of one's own cognitive activity and control over the activity. That is:

Knowing your cognition is to take the awareness of the functioning of our way to learn.

And control involves planning, controlling the thought process and evaluate the results.

By having the person exercises control cognitive activity depending on the interactions of four components:

Metacognitive knowledge is knowledge that three aspects of cognitive activity, such as people, the task and strategies.

Metacognitive experiences are the thoughts, feelings, feelings that accompany cognitive activity.

Cognitive goals are the goals or the goals that we set a one or another situation.

And metacognitive strategies, here is a difference between cognitive and metacognitive strategies in which the first is used to advance and metacognitive activity is when the function is to oversee the process.

Of metacognition can highlight the following:

a) metacognition refers to knowledge, awareness, control and nature of learning processes

b) The learning of metacognition can be developed through appropriate learning experiences.

c) Each person has somehow views of metacognition, sometimes unconsciously.

d) And according to the method implemented by the teachers during teaching, can encourage or discourage students' metacognitive trend.

As metacognition requires knowing what (objectives) is required to achieve and how it gets. (Self-regulation or strategy).

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