Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The Socialist Bloc: reactionary phenomenon in Latin America

The victory of Correa in Ecuador, re-elected with 51.7% of the vote, strengthens the leftist movements that were taking place in the region. This block, consisting of Venezuela, Bolivia, Nicaragua, Cuba and Paraguay, has chosen to strengthen the state's participation in the economy and to rethink their relationship with the United States. "Socialism of XXI century?, Named by President Correa, for both redistribution of wealth as the divorce of global banking and financial institutions (International Monetary Fund and World Bank). The thought of this block is summarized Correa's words, "change is possible but outside the capitalist system within the new socialism." These changes are sought through new integration processes, such as the Southern Common Market (Mercosur) and the Bolivarian Alternative for the Americas (Alba). Mercosur is a trade bloc that promotes the free exchange of goods, persons and services. Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay and Venezuela are parties (the main economic centers). Although Mercosur has not entered into force for lack of ratification by the parliaments of States Parties, is an attempt to strong regional consolidation. Also, Alba puts emphasis on the fight against poverty and social exclusion, using doctrines left to reach this goal.

Are achieved collaborations and strategic alliances in the political, economic and social development. At the international level, have great challenges and opportunities. As exporters of raw materials, mainly oil and gas, currently suffering from low world prices of "commodities?. This will make its public spending to stimulate their economies during the current crisis. However, we also foresee a new era in diplomatic relations between the U.S. and the region with the entry of Barack Obama the U.S. government. This regional phenomenon is a response to perceived aggression by international organizations. Distrust of the United States is the factor that binds these four nations. It will therefore be important to analyze the development of this block, as they look to consolidate their approaches in much of Latin America.

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