Sunday, September 2, 2012

Branding your products is important

I was chatting with a couple of friends, all of us are either copy writers or graphic designers ... or both .... in the field of advertising, so, naturally, our conversations leaned towards the subject. This particular friend who works at an advertising agency is now an American art director, so, needless to say, it is considered a notch above us mere freelancers and employees. After all, he is the person who decides the direction of an entire advertising campaign. It 's also responsible for a couple of big international brands of products. And during this conversation, I told this story that inspired me. He says the brand is so important for a product that can make or break a product ... or even the company.

For example, he was trying to come up with something unique to a particular brand of body wash (she thought the smell was terrible because it smelled like wet mud ... and totally disgusting). Guess what he did? He went the natural way ......

Obviously, it worked wonders for the product! He came up with titles like

"So naturally, we are rolling in it"

"Just like a second skin"


"Return to Nature"

... And the like.

I was impressed. It so happens that he brings a lot of product samples whenever it comes back to Malaysia and this time he had the product on hand to show us - in even though I thought it was disgusting (he has a way with words, I have to say? "), was not the conventional bath wash. certainly did not smell anything else I can get in supermarkets.

Joe, my friend from America, said he drove the product in the field of environmental conservation, going natural, natural products, natural cleaning properties, etc. .... and it worked wonderfully. When combined with superb design and the product sold like no one else had known! This was the product he thought he smelled of mud, remember? And with good direction, copy and design, the product is as good as sold.

The theory is that people's mind accepts what they want to accept. Let me give you some examples of good working copy for international brands.

"Milk bath" - Johnson and Johnson. It seems simple enough? But as a result, many people have bought the products, not because it was superb or better than all the other Johnson and Johnson products or bath gel, it is because a copy of 'milk bath' suggested that every time you use the product, you would bathe in milk, cuddle, making the skin white and smooth. Asians will buy everything you say can turn their skin white.

". Not scented, colored just a bit '" - Simple.

This is a very special position taken by a cosmetics company, simply because it is the first brand that has suggested that you do not need to have something more beautiful skin. Simple is .... Well, simple, but it gives the skin a good thing, because it makes your skin look worse.

"Against animal testing" - The Body Shop.

Products sold by The Body Shop, undoubtedly, is produced without being tested on animals. This, they say, is because the properties used to produce their products is very natural. I believe that putting the words "against animal testing" in bold letters in all their labels is a good idea. Those who love the natural products and animal lovers will surely remain faithful to The Body Shop.

"The Beer just a real man can appreciate"

It is a slogan used by a known company of beer. I'm not sure the exact words used, therefore, refuse to name the make and type of beer. In any case, this slogan suggests that if you're a man at all, you like this beer ..... and if you do not, you're not a real man. I am a woman and I like beer because of its richness in taste but I absolutely object to their slogan. I suppose they have their reasons. Their target market were mostly men, and if they were women who drink, who will leave the tagline slide because they like the beer so much.

So you see, the type of branding, the kind of slogans and headlines that you use determines the direction of your product. If you use a slogan like 'lustrous long hair ".... do not expect a lot of male customers who will take on your offer. Then, decide on a slogan once and for all for each of your products, take them very seriously and if you can not think of anything, hire someone to do the thinking for you. Branding and writing copy is so important that you prefer to pay for it than be stuck with one that gives mixed messages....

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