Tuesday, September 11, 2012

With wealth Biblical Strategies Investments

Many of us have heard the phrase "multiple streams of income", as a means to achieve financial freedom. This does not mean getting another "work" part-time, but creating wealth and residual income through multiple sources of business, investment, and real estate. Residual income is money that continues to come in, if you are working actively to it or not.

The advantage of multiple streams is if one stream dries up or slows down, you have others flowing in to pick up the game. With the recent trends of corporate downsizing and the loyalty of employers in a way the past, multiple streams of income from different sources are more important than ever, and will probably be essential to the future. Not only is this a good idea for you and your family's security and wealth-building strategies, but it can help you fulfill your vision to expand to the kingdom.

This is a new idea? Not at all. The Scriptures agree. Ecclesiastes 11:1-2 says: "Cast your bread upon the waters [plural], for you will find it after many days. Give a portion to seven, and also to eight, for thou knowest not what evil will be the earth."

The first part of this chapter (vs. 1-6) is about taking risks and making other investments rather than operating out of fear and prudence too. There is also talk of being generous with your wealth. But these first two verses speak of the need for multiple streams of income, because you do not know what "evil" will be on earth.

What do you think are examples of "bad" you are talking about here? There may be changes in economic and market trends, to be a victim of fraud, lawsuits, and so on. The "mali" may change for different moments of history, or even certain seasons of our lives. The "evil" is not necessarily the devil. There is always a spiritual attack. It could be just the trends and changes in the system, but for whatever it is, we need multiple streams of income to diversify and spread risks. We like to believe that we as Christians are not immune to these things, and certainly not that I talk about you, but the Lord gives us the wisdom to be prepared for rain falling on the potential of "the just and the unjust," as in Matthew 5:45. Multiple streams of income is a way to decrease or even eliminate the "evil", because if you have sufficient flows, it may disappear completely and will not even notice it too.

This passage in Ecclesiastes goes on to say in verse 6, "In the morning sow the seed, and in the evening do not withhold your hand so you do not know which will succeed, this or that, or if both will be equally good."

We think that whether a particular investment does not perform well, or maybe even go to the south, that God was not in it. But it is clear here that not everything you invest in prosper, but do it anyway! Of course, do not be stupid, be smart, do your homework and your due diligence, but only to free themselves from knowing that some will be good and some not. Do not condemn you when some business investments or real estate or business may not work as you thought it would. I believe the Lord bless your efforts, if not on that particular investment, may be next. The problem with the wicked servant in the parable of the pounds in Luke 19 is not that he tried something and it did not work. He has not even tried, and this is what made the Masters upset.

Remember the dot-com bubble in 2000-2001? People en masse began investing in real estate. Then, when the media began to sing about the possibility of a housing bubble (which states "opportunities" for me), many were looking for what they thought would be the "next big thing".

However, if they are different in your businesses, investments and property, then there will be significantly influenced the change in different market sectors. If there is a bump in the road with one of your markets, you have others that continue to flow.

Most people think of diversification as investing in mutual funds. They believe that this is a method of spreading the risk and play it safe, but in reality all they are doing is investing in more and more paper work. What happens if the stock market crashed? Do not be fooled into thinking what kind of "evil" can never happen again as it did in 1929. If the stock market has had a serious accident, most mutual funds would be wiped out. We got a glimpse of a few years ago, when many pension plans invested in mutual funds plummeted to almost zero. I understand the strategy of buy and hold and dollar-cost average, but what about those just entering retirement age? They had no time to wait for the money back. Thus, mutual funds and 401 (k) s may also have some risks, right?

We continue to believe that the stock market will always rise and that the mutual funds will give us the security we need. Mutual funds can diversify into many different funds, but are still largely linked to the traditional stock market. Yes, they are diversified growth funds, bond funds, funds of mid cap funds, sector funds, international funds, etc., but what are those? Stocks and bonds! Is it okay to invest in mutual funds and 401 (k) s, but what I'm saying is that do not rely only on those and do nothing. No one should rely solely on one type of investment or a business for their only source of income or pension .......

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