Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Blogging for Profit Using AdSense

This article is designed to teach you how to profit from blogging, writing to a website in the form of regular posts, without spending anything. The keys to this idea are found in two of the Google programs, and AdSense.

The obvious first step is to find a niche. While it is possible to have a blog of general interest, may not be efficient targeting a specific topic (click here to read the logic behind targeted advertising [ niche-content-profit]).

Once settled on a topic you like, it's time to set up your blog. is great for beginners. Not only is it free (and ad-free, unlike most free hosting services), has integrated support for AdSense (more on this later). For now, choose a suitable name, but captivating and choose one of the pre-made designs.

Of course, now we must start making posts to your blog. There are two main types of messages. The most common type of content appears to be comment on the blog as a link to the actual source of the information or website of interest. Then there are the original messages that others will link to you (just like you do in your posts the comment). In either case, make sure its interesting to have readers coming back.

Now is the time to apply for the Google AdSense program. AdSense is a pay per click program that matches ads to the page content. Each time a site visitor clicks one of these links, you receive a small amount of revenue (advertisers can bid for a minimum connection is $ 0.05, of which receives a percentage. Many phrases can have the cheapest as high as several dollars per click).

The content of your site determines what ads are displayed, and then what you end up doing. The placement and appearance of the ads, however, can only have such a big impact on what you do.

There are a few tips to maximize advertising revenue. First, the appearance of the component itself is important. Google clearly labels all its units, such as advertising, but it allows to determine the link colors and background. It 'important that this match the look of your site. The most obvious is an ad, the more likely it is to turn off visitors. Equally important is the position of the ad. They should appear in the upper half of the page, and preferably on the left side. This ensures your ad is displayed by most visitors.

After covering the basics, its time for you to experiment to find out what works best for your new blog. The best part is, it costs nothing to try .......

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I have also seen good number of companies earning profits and enjoying increased sales graph through online adsense marketing methods. Even one of my known hired Adwords Management online few months back. They achieve more than expected targets every month. Continuing with their services because of nominal prices charged by them.
