Tuesday, July 24, 2012


That curious circular tool with dates that maybe you've seen in the office of your gynecologist is a calculator gestogram or pregnancy, and used to calculate how many weeks pregnant are you and your date of birth as possible. What is the gestogram? As already mentioned, is a tool generally used by doctors to tell you how many weeks pregnant are you and what may be your approximate date of birth. However, the gestogram can be used to give a lot more data about your baby and pregnancy. For example:

Average weight of the baby according to their stage of gestaciónTalla average baby according to their stage of gestaciónBDP (biparietal diameter) of the baby according to their stage of femur gestaciónLongitud embarazoFecha bebéSemanas delivery of approximately

How does the gestogram?

First of all, you have to be clear what was the date of your last period to use the gestogram, because with this data, the gestogram located in what month and what day could be your birth (40 weeks that have commonly). Also, you can always be aware about the stage of gestation at which you are (the week and quarter), which will help you know exactly the changes that are happening, and those who spend, during the weeks of pregnancy .

Having a gestogram the hands is very useful because it will save you constantly be asking your doctor on what week you are. Moreover, we know that the wait between the two prenatal care can become a bit tedious, you need to resolve all those doubts away, so this small and simple pregnancy calculator can become one of your best friends during your pregnancy week by week.

Use a gestogram is really easy, so we invite you to use that Facemamá.com gestogram has prepared for you.

ENTER THE gestogram

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