Thursday, July 26, 2012

The Emperor and Empress in the tarot

Two powerful Egyptian tarot arcana are the Emperor and Empress. Face and mint of the same reality, embody the power, but expressed in different ways. We will review the incredibly rich arcane symbols that embody both, and what is the message they send to get revealed in the tarot.

The world of the Empress is an ideal world, a world of perfect beauty and balance. But do not be fooled, beauty is not synonymous with weakness. By contrast, the Empress is a figure of power, female power. The Empress holds qualities of intuition, knows what they're the people who surround and has a great ability to convince. So, even if they are not steeper figure scene, she manages all the threads, and finally end up doing what they determine.

The Empress has managed to achieve the perfect balance of spiritual and earthly facets. But the beauty of this figure is that it has reached a perfect marriage between soul and body, and therefore it focuses on all the wisdom of the pleasures of the senses. Empress often refers to a very sensual woman, the kind that leave a trace wherever they go, and has achieved a high level of self-awareness and emotional stability. The Empress represents motherhood, so exposed this secret out, you might want to indicate the arrival of a child into the world, or the successful completion of projects in the making.

The Emperor embodies the power of mind over material things. Often, when left on the table during a run, tells us that we are caring father figure, or at least, ensures our interests. Only by looking at the figure of the Emperor, there is much we can say. Despite having a real clothes, not the armor is removed, and remains, at its heart a fierce fighter. It is the ideal father. Good listener, which is reflected in its majestic pose in his throne with his scepter the hand. But fight like a lion if it detects any threat to their authority or anything that would endanger their loved ones.

The Emperor has conquered other peoples and has annexed new territories, conquering many enemies. Undoubtedly, such a road map has shaped his character, and taught him to control his emotions. The Emperor in the tarot encourages us to pursue our dreams and plans. You may encounter opposition, but the power is in our hands, and eventually things will work as expected.

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