Friday, July 6, 2012

What is SEO? Logic, Technique, Magic, Art, Work?

Everything is magical when it is up to date with updates performed by the algorithms of search engines, in an attempt to improve the logic to find what you need in the same.

Search engines have one thing in common: They are trying to establish relevance. That basically means that you are trying to give the user what they think they want based on what they find and how to look. When someone wants to find something on the Internet, usually using a search engine to try to find it. Search engines do not know what we want when we look for something, but through a complex algorithm, the search engine tries to do a calculation, when the results show.

I should say that SEO is a continuous and dynamic process. The Engine Optimization or SEO, rather than a science, is an "art" that involves much trial and error. SEO is considered as a science as the search engine rankings depends on many factors and it is as life itself, just never learn everything.

Many mystify the profession of SEO, thinking always hide something or they know a lot more than they have. In every profession there Gurus, but in general, people who take risks and learn from their mistakes.

If you want to do things right, the only prescription is "Work" and is achieved with a basic routine that is trial and error and error-test-success. "This is the key of every SEO, previous experience in implementing each technique, know what works in each case, because here, you can not generalize, every website is a world unto itself that requires a specific job.

The only secret that has an SEO is to know that magic does not exist and lasting results are achieved with effort and dedication.

So when someone offers you and ensure results "fast", forget and look for someone else to do the work. In how quick and easy SEO is paid a penalty, so when you want a serious job, you know, first hand keep the three key ingredients that will ensure success:

1-An effort to do the hard work and stay updated 2-Humility to recognize and learn from your mistakes. 3-Patience to work out the details and see the results.

This is important to find a SEO expert company that performs web positioning using proper techniques to search engines (Google) Contact: Web Design SEO Expert Cali Colombia

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