Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Tips To Help Your Child Overcome A Divorce

If you have not resolved the question of custody of your children and you're in the process of divorce. This is a difficult time for you and your spouse, but more importantly it is a difficult time for children.

Be present throughout the divorce process that your children have a lot of pain and are probably very confused. They do not understand why Mom and Dad do not get along. Here are six tips to help your children cope during this difficult time:

Be sympathetic to them. See a lot of erratic behavior are your children during the divorce process, however try not to be harsh with them. They're shaken emotionally, your little world has turned upside down. Before punishment, be aware that the divorce is having a negative effect on them.

Talk to them. Throughout the divorce process, set a time to sit and talk with your children. Try to get you open. There are probably some things you want to say and this is the time to pay attention to your feelings.

Cooperate with the other parent. This can be very difficult to do, but you have to put the good of children, trying to maintain civility between you and your spouse during the divorce process.

To have a civil relationship with your former spouse is best for your children. Seeing that you get along with the other parent, the children will feel better and safer during the divorce.

Let them know you will always be available to them despite the divorce. Lives with your children at least once a week and assure them that you will always be available to them. By having an open relationship with your children, your stress levels and worries remain low, as they have the reassurance that if something bad happens there will be to support them.

Communicate directly with the other parent. How hard can this be? It is very important to have communication with the other parent. The things you have to treat each and must remain "among you" and should use children as messengers.

Speak positively about your spouse in front of children. Anytime you're talking to your children about your spouse, keep a positive attitude. This can be difficult to do, but you have to relieve tension and allow your children are spending time with you and the other parent.

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