Sunday, July 8, 2012

Sellers Need Highly Productive?

CONFIDENTIAL MEMORANDUM # 003. . . EXCLUSIVE MANAGEMENT FOR SELLERS NEED HIGHLY PRODUCTIVE? As you know, the final results from sales is due to the difference between the monthly turnover / year (or the unit value thereof) of bad / regular sales versus sales made by a good salesman. The difference can be tens of thousands of dollars, according to their field of sales and business potential, the point of sale, zone or business area entrusted to each Seller But more worrying is the loss of favor and loyalty customers due to inept management or unintelligent, lacking a social contact seller or without proper training in human relations, that allows customers actions totally unrelated to the conflict. In truth, many troubles and costly misunderstandings are the result of "social ineptitude? or the poor development of emotional intelligence vendors or by the transmission of painful social mistreatment who run them. The latter explains also why the "fall? sales or refunds are given, because they decrease the rates of return on sales or why collections are late.

NO PURCHASE OR YOUR CUSTOMERS buy as little as possible and / or prevent timely payment to the Company that hires a bad seller and NEVER RECOMMEND? GOOD: AS? PROTEST IS LIKE THE BAD CUSTOMER DEAL! If in doubt and is afraid to apply the "law of natural selection? - Which forces him to retain only the most suitable for your company - and if it takes to get rid of their bad sales managers who are responsible for actually become bad to their vendors, that delay will cost you much money and be seen as a "loser Manager?, for allowing that true DOMESTIC TERRORISM its present and its future, perhaps fearing to drive image

HOW DOES A GOOD SELLER? By a clever and intelligent monitoring coupled with direct and ongoing training to Field ... where it is sold. Thus they make good sales and is the difference in productivity, efficiency and profitability from a good team and other unevenness between the components of your sales force, not only wasteful and critical SALES produce fluctuating, but that prevent your company serves While their market. Today it is clear that if the supervision is not given directly in the field, wasted human potential, by failing to exercise with them ACTION THROUGH EDUCATION. This will be possible only if each supervisor has a PLAN Command training and development of leading vendors. This Plan will be implemented in at least 70% in the Field of Sales: are the premises, their points of sale and / or physical visits to their customers, and that is where you actually play their income Company A VENDOR TO BE SUCCESSFUL AND PROFITABLE, THE DIRECT COMMAND DUTY? Instill in them: 1. HIGH POSITIVE MOTIVATION + + + FITNESS COMMITMENT 2.

A PLAN OF ACTION necessary daily, weekly, monthly and yearly. The Unplanned does not exist! 3. Desire and Action to develop initiatives that can develop and train as Leaders 4. Desire and Action to develop the science and art of persuasion 5. Imitating his L? DER: The 24 hours a day behave tactfully as real Knight or Dame 6. Action Desire and perseverance, the virtue essential to obtain concrete results 7. Desire and Action to develop emotional control, eliminating non-intelligent reactions to all this, you need Sales Managers Knobs able to exercise a wise and skillful supervision, monitoring who knows how to build and manage L? LEADERS. If this happens and if on the contrary its vendors are forced to confront or having to endure a NO command L? DER, naive and / or lack of character and / or no ability to command or to an oppressive boss or worse even if it gets out and is altered in response to daily pressures, THEN will you have in your company with a poor work environment, Sellers unruly, undisciplined, faithless, Conflicting, unmotivated and unsuccessful Finally, remember that good salespeople by nature SE MULTIPLY, if treated as "lone wolves? rather than as team players, they need to feel special.

This explains why the failure occurs in the results exist Sales Managers or Supervisors controls Leaders No direct and / or no social contact or without a sufficient level of emotional intelligence to prevent abuse or injury to their vendors, forgetting that they are the Results produced by Luis Alberto Martinez Salardi Major Facilitator for Human Development Commercial (511) 997899039 (511) 2432234

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